Career Opportunities

Thank you for visiting our Career Opportunities page. Current positions with the State Board of Workers’ Compensation are listed below.

If no positions are available with the State Board of Workers’ Compensation, please visit the state’s Careers website at It is hosted by the Georgia Department of Administrative Services and provides resources to help you manage your career with Georgia state government.

Current Opened Positions (To apply, visit

Job Title Requisition ID Posting Date Closing Date
Training Manager ADM0HK2 9/19/2024 10/19/2024
Compliance Investigator 3 (Savannah) LAW09P9 9/3/2024 10/31/2024
Stipulated Settlements Examiner LEG02C2 8/13/2024 10/31/2024
Compliance Investigator (Gainesville) LAW09K3 7/11/2024 Ongoing
Attorney 3 (Mediator) - Atlanta LEG0279 4/25/2024 Ongoing
Attorney 3 (Mediator) - Savannah LEG027A 4/25/2024 Ongoing
Settlement Attorney (Attorney 3) LEG026G 4/8/2024 Ongoing